Author: mld

  • Linuxdistribution för äldre?

    Som en del i projektet att fÃ¥ mina farföräldrar att använda en dator och (helst) Internet försöker jag hitta en linuxdistribution som är enkel att lära sig använda*. Alternativen jag tittar pÃ¥ just nu är EasyPeasy, som är en Ubuntuklon med ett GUI anspassat för netbooks, Linux Mint, även det en Ubuntuklon och här med…

  • Dennis Ritchie, tack för allt!

    Den 12:e oktober gick Dennis Ritchie bort efter en längre tids sjukdom. Han lever dock vidare genom C och UNIX på samma sätt som han gjort dom senaste 40 åren. Tack för allt! Se även mitt inlägg på .SE-bloggen

  • Sonos ZonePlayer S5, BR100 and iPhone Controller



    Way to go, Sonos! Great sound, easy setup. The only problem so far was connecting the iPhone controller to the Sonos ZonePlayer S5. I thought it was possible to just connect the new controller to any node in the SonosNet, but apparently you need to connect with a ZonePlayer of some kind. Now playing Drinking…

  • Wii Magic Handshake

    When you get no sound/picture while using a component cable (or HDMI using Neoya Wii2HDMI), try the magic handshake. With the Virtual Console games I’ve tried it’s working great! Connect a nunchuck to your wiimote and push simultaneously: Z-A-1

  • Neoya Wii2HDMI

    A really nice Wii to HDMI converter. It doesn’t improve the picture quality (no upscaling etc), but then again, my TV seems to do that well enough. It works with all (to my knowledge) known screen resolutions the Wii supports: 480i, 576i and 480p. A great way for exchanging all those cables for just a…

  • 6 Ways To Kill Your Servers – Learning How To Scale The Hard Way

    Good article over at about what happens when a coder, even an experienced one, has to scale out a web site under time pressure. The most important lessons in my opinion are caching, tweaking configuration and stress testing.

  • How to be a better sysadmin

    Matt Simmons over at Standalone Sysadmin wrote about xenophobia and elitism among sysadmins and I couldn’t have written it better myself: The way that I’ve found that seems to work best for me in understanding other people, and having them understand me, is to put myself in their place, and consider the situation from their…

  • Tiny update…

    Allrighty, then… is now moved to a new server and got a shiny new theme (Lightword Theme) when I was at it. Possibly I might update the site a bit more from now on, but no guarantees…

  • Man trodde ju dom skulle lära sig av varandra…

    Nu har D-Link ocksÃ¥ gjort det… Vad kan man säga mer än att historien upprepar sig. För nästan precis fem Ã¥r sen sÃ¥lde Belkin en router som gjorde om slumpmässiga dns-uppslag (eller om den “bara” kapade vissa HTTP-sessioner) för att göra reklam för en ny funktion i deras router. Nu har tydligen D-Link fÃ¥tt för…

  • daemontools and ucspi-tcp on Hardy Heron



    I was about to install daemontools and ucspi-tcp on Hardy Heron (Ubuntu 8.04) when I found that the packages build-daemontools et al was not in the archive anymore! Instead of digging about what happened I found out that Intrepid Ibex[1] has some packages. So what I did was download the packages daemontools, daemontools-run and ucspi-tcp,…