Tag: PHP
6 Ways To Kill Your Servers – Learning How To Scale The Hard Way
Good article over at HighScalability.com about what happens when a coder, even an experienced one, has to scale out a web site under time pressure. The most important lessons in my opinion are caching, tweaking configuration and stress testing.
Private methods in PHP programming – response
Felix over at Debuggable wrote an interesting article about private methods. He thinks it’s not a very good thing to use, but, kudos to him, doesn’t rule out the possibility. He argues that he doesn’t have any formal education in programming and development, but I don’t think that matters much at all since he seems…
No 404 page when using a static front page
I was setting up a wordpress blog (latest version, 2.5) a couple of days ago, and added the great plugin Google XML Sitemaps. I wanted a static frontpage with a couple of blog posts below it, so I modified the Kubrick theme a bit (added another template to use for that page, no biggie). When…
Symfony development with XAMPP on Windows
This is how I set up my windows laptop for development with Apache/MySQL/PHP/Symfony (XAMPP with Symfony). Download XAMPP Installer package. Install XAMPP – this is really just a case of next -> next -> okay. Since I’m not only using my laptop for development I chose not to start any services except for XAMPP when…
Symfony Project
Symfony är ett PHP-framwork som verkar riktigt nice. Finns även en del bloggartiklar här och där som tipsar om bra sätt att göra saker på.